sun sign Filby snow sign

It is understood that some residents did not receive their copy of the flyer last month. Therefore items which are still relevant are being repeated.

VE/VJ Commemoration

Filby Parish Council, have been awarded £5400 from the Home Front Recall and we aim to commemorate the 60th anniversary of VE/VJ Day as follows:

Saturday 27th August In the marquee on the Playing Field
12.00 noon Exhibition of life 1939 - 45
2.00p.m. Children's Party FREE
7 00 p m. Jonathan Wyatt and his Big Band /Buffet FREE

The children's party is for all children who live in Filby, or have some connection with Filby. To help us with the catering, please book a place for your children at the party by completing the slip, details below, and returning it to Filby Post Office by 1 August.


We need veterans to be our VIPs for the day to present mugs, release balloons and share memories. Please telephone Adrian if you can help 01493 369250

August Bank Holiday Weekend


Friday 26th August Bingo 730p.m.
Saturday 27th August VE/VJ Celebration 12.00 noon
Sunday 28th August Car Boot Table Top Sale
Monday 29th August Fete 1.30p.m.
Followed by Karaoke and Firework Display 8.00pm

Prizes are needed for the Grand Draw and Bric-a-brac for Jenny's Playing Field stall

Application slips for places at the Children's Party are available from the Post Office to be returned by 1st August 2005

Anglia in Bloom Judging

Friday 15th July 10 - 11.30 a.m.

Judging went well. Thank you to all who helped to make it an enjoyable day. Please keep things looking good - lots of people come to look at our village.

Award Ceremony

At St Andrews Hall in Norwich on 22nd September at 10.30 a.m.
£16 per person. Anyone wishing to attend please contact David Thompson 369250

We need a volunteer to run a stall for Filby in Bloom at the fete. Anyone interested please contact Adrian.

New Notice Board

The need for another notice board was identified by the Parish Plan. A new board has been provided at the lay-by near the Council Houses. It was constructed by SOLD (Special Objectives for Local Disabled) and erected by P Hudson, K George and D Shaw. Notices can be left at the Post Office.

Open Gardens

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July l0a m - 4.00 p m

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make the weekend a success.
We will need a new person to co-ordinate the refreshments in the pavilion next year. Anyone interested in taking on this job, please ring Barbara on 369615

Watch your speed!

New 30mph SLOW DOWN signs have been installed in the middle of the village. These were funded with part of the 106 money (for the provision of community facilities for the benefit of the residents of Filby)

Waste Paper

Please continue to leave papers at the Post Office or in the blue paper bank opposite the post office.

Filby School

After another busy year at school the term ended on 22nd July. The new school year starts on 6th September. Have a good holiday!


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Other Bits:

Some are yet to be written.

Filby Calendar 2008

The all new Filby Calendar for 2008 is still available.

Profits are to be donated to the fund for the new village hall.

Our Church

More about All Saints, Filby.

Church Hall

You get the idea.

Village Hall

This building is a bit special.

Clubs & Groups

In more detail.

Filby School

Old Filby

As others saw us.

War Memorials

Playing Field


Other Useful Links
